
Wednesday, January 5, 2022

'22 (Arda's Version)

🎵 I don't know about you, but I'm feeling '22 ðŸŽµ 

Happy New Year, friends! Stopping by for my favorite blog post of the whole year.

Last year's resolutions:

Read seven books
Did! Sort of. It was close. 5 of the books were long though (including 2 Jane Austens), and I am proud of that!

Do hobbies
Could be getting back into singing, chant, writing, or something new, like embroidery or making paper flowers.
Well, I joined a choir that does a great deal of chant and learned a lot I couldn't have on my own! Did some writing (would like to do more). Ah shoot, I did want to make paper flowers and did not. I have practiced embroidery a bit and am still interested in it!

Write fanfiction
I have done some! Not as much as I'd like and did not complete anything, but started a fun project and tried to focus on writing fun (to me) things even if they seem ""cringe.""

Regular holy hours
Pretty consistent on this one! Got out of the habit a couple months when my work schedule conflicted with my parish's holy hour, but once it changed it is a normal part of my week! Have not gone much beyond that though.

Make friends???
I said I'd settle for a few people at my new parish knowing my name and face, and it has happened! Also met people through choir, work, and recently young adult groups. Continuing to work on it!

And now may I just flex, because I actually did great on the previous year's resolutions! These are the things I had planned for 2020 before things got a little crazy.

Last last year's resolutions:

Read parts of six books
2020 - sort of, mostly short books and long fanfiction
2021 - sure did!

Reread The Fellowship of the Ring
2020 - nope
2021 - yes!! I finished it recently and really enjoyed it

Learn Latin prayers and songs
2020 - a little, a few songs and a couple phrases from Mass
2021 - I joined an EF/Latin Mass choir and learned so many songs, Mass parts, and more about chant and Latin!

Regular Mass/adoration during the week
2020 - what Mass and adoration?
2021 - back to weekly for both! which was baseline in the before times so could try expanding this again

Get a solid wardrobe together
2020 - only added a few pieces
2021 - I now have a solid wardrobe! There's a great thrift store in my town and after I got a job(!!) I got several pieces there very inexpensively and am pretty happy with them! Could use a few more things but definitely doing well here

Improve at cooking
2020 - did this!
2021 - did more!

This year's resolutions:

I was going to do serious things like ~*~ budgeting ~*~ but it seemed boring and I think I need short term goals with small steps rather than "do this big project sometime in the next 365 days," so I'm going to do fun, easy things instead.

Finish rereading LotR
I enjoyed FotR so much this year and definitely want to read more!

Go to the lake
There's a lake not far from where I live now and have not yet been there.

Go to my favorite coffee shop
I often have this as a possible outing but don't take the time, and it's such a lovely little place.

Get a winter coat maybe lol
This is my second Midwest winter and I am still wearing Mom's old jacket.

Decorate my room
I have one (1) thing on the wall (plus something in my closet) and would like to add some vintage photos I printed!

Watch some movies
Another thing I don't often make time for - it'd be fun to watch some Disney movies I've missed or haven't seen in a while.

Use stickers
I have a bunch of stickers from when I was little and want to use them at last! Though I am worried they are loosing their stickiness.

Cook or bake something new
I've been using for recipes and there are several I want to try!

I wish you all a wonderful 2022!

(speaking of disney movies, my current status and why this post is late:)


  1. Yay, glad you did your New Years post again! :) :) :D
    That's good you accomplished a lot of goals from both 2020 and 2021. And yes to re-reading Lord of the Rings! I am thinking of doing that as well :) It's such a good series. And YES, get a winter coat! It's been cold where I live recently and I'm glad I have mine :O
    Hope you have a good 2022! :)

    1. Yayy thank you! :) :) Let me know if you read LotR and we can compare notes! It is so good. Haha I will try! Psyching myself up to ask the nice old ladies in the thrift store what is warm enough. XD Hope you have a good 2022 as well! :)

  2. Hey hey Arda! Thanks for a refreshing blg post yet again, also my fav of the year ;) I hope you achieve many of your goals for 2022! The lake and rewatching movies sound like great times. I also hope to take my lil fam here on outings more frequently and get into a better Mass routine. Right now we take whatever fits the nap schedule... I like reading your posts. Thanks for the content!

    1. Thank you guettlnat!! <3 I hope you find lovely places to go on outings and lots of unexpected joys this year! Thank you for reading and commenting!
